Monday, June 15, 2009

What I Learned on the Internet Today

So I was clicking on some of the latest news on the right hand side of this page and I came across something that was interesting.

The article is titled, "Change your body language, attitude"

What I learned is, "Strozzi-Heckler has found that 300 repetitions of something give your body the memory, and after 3,000 repetitions, it becomes part of who you are. "

It is known that if we smile, others that see your smile are likely to smile also. I have also seen this with the raised eyebrows (that we unconsciously do when we see someone we know) if you do it to a stranger they do it back at you.

Our faces, over the years, take on the expression of our most common emotions. Mine is natural, with a subtle down turning of the corners of my lips- Subtle sadness. I'm in my early 40s and have consciously attempted to smile more often. As a practitioner of body language I'm constantly mimicking facial expressions and the body language that I see to gain a deeper understanding of the "feeling" associated with a particular action. Some actions seem so unnatural to me- such as holding hands open and palms facing upward to show openness and honesty... but with this theory of 300-3000 repetitions it would become more natural to me. So with this knowledge we can train ourselves to mimic "good" body language, such as smiling, good posture, open arms, etc. until it become second nature.
