Thursday, November 12, 2009

Andre Agassi on the Today Show

I find Andre a great subject to study in this interview. I absolutely get stoked whenever I see someone like him who gives such small and subtle expressions. Even his picture on the cover of his book shows two subtle emotions (sadness and disgust) take a look here.

The only negative thing about the video is there are many times when they break away from the participants and show photographs from his past... and the camera is in too tight so we do not see his hands all that often.

As you watch the video watch for the following things:

- Swallowing
- Kicking foot when asked questions
- Biting bottom lip
- Bottom lip licking
- Small shaking of his head yes and no
- Hot spot when he talks about not being abused with his hands in front of his chest
- What is rehearsed (why he wrote the book) compared to other times
- Subtle disgust when asked about drug use
- Real smiles when speaking about his kids, his real smiles are one of the reason he is personable.

Have fun and enjoy the video.◦