The family (and detective) hit the talk shows this morning...
I have seen her husband, David Tehan on two different interview shows, and I find the emotions he is showing a bit odd. I once knew a person who always had a smile plastered on his face, even when he told me about his son having to go to the hospital earlier in the morning due to a serious hand injury, some people literally take their parents seriously when they tell us kids to "put a smile on your face" and never remove them...
Emotionally he is not sad, confused, concerned, or any of the typical emotions we'd normally see from a husband whose wife is missing- or even anger if he believes she left with this other man- while he is not playing the emotional card that so many husbands, who we later learn had something to do with their wife's disappearances have, his casual attitude and pleasant facial expressions are a bit out of the ordinary.
At 1:12 A hotspot when he says it is a mystery to me. He immediately gives us a micro laugh. What is funny about this? Could it be because it is not a mystery to him?!?!?
At around 1:43 when the detective says, "...unable to find her," David's smile actually grows subtly.
A 'Natural' I work with also caught that he never uses the other guy's name, uses distancing language like "this man," and "this person."
Capt. Scott Anger did look at Scott while answering certain questions on The Today Show that were sensitive. If you search for the video online I think you will see the same David that you see in the above video.
Now everybody is going on the assumption that she ran away with this other man, who happened to take 2k out of a bank account he shared with his wife; but if this turns out to lead to the murder of one or two people, the emotions of the husband need to be examined further.◦
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
BREAKING STORY: NEW MISSING PERSON- Where's Tiffany Tehan? I hope the police fully investigate the husband
12:32 PM
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I agree- It raised my antenna's this morning as well!!
she ran away with the guy willingly and was found today safe. that will teach you to be judgemental and jump to conclusions. you owe her husband an apology
We now know why he laughed and smiled. He knew she would be found with this other man and would be the "bad guy" in the situation. He was relishing the punishment she would receive when found.
The previous commenter said I owed the husband an apology, why? I was commenting on his emotions and how they didn't fit with the situation. Just because you see something that seems out of place, and mention it, is not the same as accusing someone of a crime. YOU jumped to that conclusion. When you see a microexpression it doesn't mean they are lying. I'm very clear that the things I mention should be examined further. In this case, I said if it turns out that someone is murder that is when the husband's behavior should come into question.
When we see an emotion or microexpression we never know why it is appearing on the other person- that is where, as an investigator we would ask why... never jump to conclusions, just learn to spot the hotspots, then ask, then you have more knowledge and are closer to the truth.
I'm still learning this stuff, but I think his negative head nods are a little strange. Although some of the time they're joined with negative statements (which would be natural), they seem to extend a bit into positive statements at times. For example, his very first words are "It's been incredibly hard" combined with a slight head nod. He then talks about "not knowing what's been going on." The second part is a negative statement, but the first part is affirmative.
As the head nod can sometimes mean disapproval (as opposed to simply "no,") I think he suspected that she had run off and was disapproving of her adultery. Either 1) he's lying about it being "incredibly hard," or 2) he's simply disapproving of his cheating wife, or 3) a little of both. As a man, he's not going to accuse her of cheating publicly because that would embarrass him.
Also, the smiles may have meant he was happy because they hadn't been getting along real well and he was a little glad she was gone. I don't think these wives usually run off without leaving a few clues about how they're dissatisfied, or uninterested in sex with the husband, or whatever. Relations with her had probably been tense.
David grew up in Asia. His body language and expressions are different because of this.
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