Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Poker Series: How you put your chips in the pot tells a great deal about your hand.

Every good poker player does something really good. They consistently put their chips into the pot. They do it the same way no matter if their hand is weak or strong. They do not want to show strength or weakness by either throwing or sliding their chips into the pot.

If a player throws chips into the pot, it is a sign of weakness. Since he/she doesn't have it in the cards he/she will make up for it in the way the chips enter the pot.

Watch for differences in how people act. If someone strongly puts the chips into the pot, but then leans back in their chair there is a problem. Resist human nature, where we always think the other person has a better hand than we do and trust their body language. Compare that to a different poker play who throws chips in and slightly leans forward in their chair. Whow would you be more likely to believe to have a strong hand.◦