Monday, January 18, 2010

Expressions and Kids

Group of children (6-9) on climbing frame, girl on monkey bars

Want to know where you can see the best expressions, subtle or otherwise, it is with our kids. Young kids (toddlers) rarely have any type of filter for their facial expressions because they have not learned how to mask their feelings.

One of the funnest things to do is to talk with my nephews, watching their expressions when I tell them a ghost story... and then explain that there is no such things as ghosts and how the emotions move on and off of their faces.

Their gestures are also interesting, because at that age their gestures are completely natural.

Spend some quality time with the young, they will appreciate the attention, and you will be rewarded.◦


Anonymous said...

There is a good book by Dr. Susan Quilliam, "Child Watching: A Parents Guide to Children's Body Language":

Dr. Susan Quilliam is a psychologist in the UK:

Anonymous said...

And here is another book, "Facial Expressions Babies to Teens: A Visual Reference for Artists" by Mark Simon: