Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poker Series: Recheck the Held Cards After the Flop

There may be many reasons to do this, here are some that I have seen:

On a straight draw and needs to check to see if they made it, or what they need to make it.

On a flush draw and they need to check their highest card; also means they didn't have the ace, probably a 10 or J.

Good flop, if they raised, have pocket something it is human nature to confirm you have trips. See this with the 4 through 7 held pairs.

Anytime there is a rainbow board of face cards, so many ways to be beaten and out drawn. They are not only confirming what they have, they more importantly trying to figure out what their opponents have.

Anytime they need more time, if they fold, no worries... probably just an act.

I can think of about another 10 reason to look at the held cards again... the thing is to evaluate and learn why YOUR opponent did so.◦