Sunday, February 21, 2010

Poker Series: When A Tell is Not a Tell

People who play poker for a living know one thing, odds. They know they can lose 4 out of 5 times and still be ahead in the long run. It is one of the biggest advantages the professional player has.

So they know they can act a certain way into 4 losing hands- lean back in their chair, showing their weak hands- knowing the last time they lean back in their chair-they have you and all your chips.

They spend their games setting up situation after situation with each player at the table- they are working to get you into situations where you lose big- and they win big and live in expensive homes and drive fast cars.

It can be hard to write about poker tells because every player swims at a different level of the shark tank. He thinks that I think that he is thinking about... so in the end if you are reading tells at the poker table evaluate the player you are reading.

Just like all actors are at different skill levels, so are all poker players, and somewhere in the middle the two will meet.◦