Monday, November 16, 2009

Do Canadians Lie... You Bet Your Life They Do!

Businessman drawing a graph

But probably not all that differently than anyone else...

Global Television and SRG conducted a comprehensive poll asking Canadians nationwide about their lying habits and truth be told, it looks like we're all a bunch of liars! And the survey says...

Lying vs. being lied to... the numbers just don't add up.
- 8 out of 10 Canadians believed they were lied to at least once in the
last week
- Only 6 out of 10 admitted to having told a lie in the same time
- INTERESTING STAT: With age comes honesty: 8 out of 10 people aged 18-
34 admitted to telling a lie in the last week compared to just half
of those aged 50+

What did Canadians say they are lying about...
- 24% - Money, salary and income
- 13% - How people look
- 11% - Hiding Ones True Feelings/Opinions
- INTERESTING STAT: Really? Only 10% say they lie about their age

Canadians can lie, but are not very good at it.
- Only 10% of Canadians think they could tell a lie and pass a lie
detector test
- INTERESTING STAT: The gender divide: Men are more likely to think
they could beat it. Of all those who said they could, 72% were men
and only 28% were women

It takes just one look... Canadians are honing their lie detection skills
by watching Lie To Me.
- 64% believe they can tell someone is lying based on their facial
- 87% think the eyes are the number one indication that some is lying
- INTERESTING STAT: Lip service: 14% say the lips and mouth give away a
lie, sometimes with a smile or laugh

Liar, liar...Here's a list of who Canadians believe are most likely to
tell them a lie:
- 44% - Co-workers
- 36% - Friends
- 31% - Kids
- 29% - Your Boss
- Mommy dearest? Both men and women say their Mom (10%) is more likely
to lie to them than their Dad (8%)
- INTERESTING STAT: What a relief: Those least likely to lie to you?
Doctors (4%) and teachers (3%)◦