Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Microexpression Training Review of Humintell’s MiX 2- Frontal, Profile and 3/4 Views Training

You may have remembered a little while back me posting about new tools developed by Humintell that replaced the older tools.

Well I have had an opportunity to kick the tires on some of their new tools and I am impressed.

Detecting microexpressions is all important to the craft of reading people, and one of the fundamentals of doing so. This is the same training government agencies that are in charge of the security use and train with the MiX 2- Frontal, Profile and 3/4 Views Training, it is the best of the best.

If you used to the old METT you will want to upgrade. I could score a 100% each and every time using the METT, with the MiX 2- Frontal, Profile and 3/4 Views Training I have been once again challenged. I had more control over the speed, and at a faster speed it took a little training to once again detect the subtle differences between fear and surprise.

The ¾ and profile views are a great addition and enhance your ability to read micro expressions in real life settings; after all it is not often you are looking at people straight on. I first thought it would be difficult, if not impossible to tell the difference between a smile and contempt from the profile angle, and I was wrong. Also the profile angle shows things like the eyebrows protruding in anger, subtle things that would take years to notice in the real world.

I can endorse the MiX 2- Frontal, Profile and 3/4 Views Training program and suggest if you want to be an expert, get certified immediately. It is not often you can spend an hour learning, practicing, and becoming certified that changes the way you look at the world and give you a clearer understanding of people.

Advanced Microexpression Training at Humintell