Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hands Move with a Hint of Their Intention

John Bulwer, the seventeenth-century student of gesture, recognized this
when he described how, "the Hand, which is a ready Midwife, takes often-times the thoughts from the forestalled Tongue, making a more quicke dispatch by gesture;
...For the gesture of the Hand many times gives a hint of our intention, and speakes out a good part of our meaning, before our words, which accompany or follow it, can put themselves into a vocall posture to be understood."

Bulwer, J. (1644) Chirologia; or the Natural Language of the Hand.

When playing poker watch your oppontent hands, analyze them separate from all other parts of your opponent body/gestures, notice how they behave when they call and raise. How they move towards the chip stack. You will be able to see when your opponent is calling when they just as easily could have raised...◦