Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Victim or Faker?

There are times when someone accuses another of a terrible crime. I'd like to think someone wouldn't do such a terrible thing to another person. Unfortunately it does happen. Sometimes people want to be "the victim" because they like the attention they receive. Other times it is to hurt the other person. No matter the reason, it does happen.

We need to be able to determine the likely hood that the crime did or did not take place.

The below video is showing someone who was a victim. The crime was committed years ago, but the pain is still there. Watch it. Empathize with her pain. Try to understand it. This event will live with her for the rest of her life. I only hope she finds a way to find peace.

One other gesture that is not shown in the video, in women, they will often place their hand in front of their neck, covering the space where their collarbone and neck meet. It is a reflex protective gesture.◦